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International review of research in developmental disabilities.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0124200494 0124200397 1306820537 9780124200494 9781306820530 9780124200395 Year: 2014 Publisher: Waltham, Massachusetts : Academic Press,

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International Review of Research in Developmental Disabilities is an ongoing scholarly look at research into the causes, effects, classification systems, and syndromes of developmental disabilities. Contributors come from wide-ranging perspectives, including genetics, psychology, education, and other health and behavioral sciences. The current volume, number 46, addresses current issues in the education of students with visual impairments. Topics covered include the expanded core curriculum for students with visual impairment; assistive technology; Braille reading comprehensi

Social setting, stigma, and communicative competence : explorations of the conversational interactions of retarded adults
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9027225486 0915027925 9786613359148 1283359146 9027279586 9789027225481 9789027279583 9780915027927 Year: 1985 Volume: 6/6 Publisher: Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : J. Benjamins,

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Mentally retarded individuals have been studied almost exclusively as clinical entities, not as persons immersed in the stream of social life. This has led not only to a lack of appreciation for the complexity of their lives and concerns, but also to an underestimation and incomplete understanding of their intellectual and linguistic skills. By exploring aspects of the ongoing linguistic and social lives of retarded individuals in various community contexts, this volume contributes to a growing body of literature which attempts to fill in this inadequate picture.

Des Écoles en mouvement : Inclusion d'élèves en situation de handicap ou éprouvant des difficultés à l'école
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1280691239 9786613668172 2760319385 9782760319387 9782760319387 9782760307315 276030731X Year: 2010 Publisher: Ottawa : Baltimore, Md. : Presses de l'Universite d'Ottawa, Project MUSE,

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Faire de la diversité une force constructive qui contribue à la compréhension mutuelle entre individus et entre groupes constitue actuellement un discours central des sociétés occidentales. En éducation, ce discours est repérable dans la pratique inclusive. Ce mouvement en faveur de l'inclusion de tous les élèves, quels que soient leurs attributs individuels ou caractéristiques personnelles, épouse cependant différents contours, génère différentes significations selon les contextes où il prend racine et évolue. Cet ouvrage examine la mise en oeuvre de ces discours en pratique. Les auteurs

The right to decent work of persons with disabilities
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789221201441 9221201449 9221201457 9789221201458 Year: 2007 Publisher: Geneva, Switzerland : International Labour Office,

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This publication provides an invaluable overview of the principal international legal instruments, policies and initiatives of relevance to the rights of people with disabilities, with a particular focus on employment and work. It focuses on the different options available to people with disabilities who wish to work in open/competitive employment, sheltered employment, supported employment and social enterprises and examines the trends in each of these categories, highlighting the key issues faced in each case.

Non-visual landscape : landscape planning for people with vision problems
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3838261968 9783838261966 9783838201962 3838201965 Year: 2011 Publisher: Stuttgart : ibidem-Verlag,

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Landscape is the impression given by a place. The five senses construct five landscapes: there is not only the visual landscape but also non-visual landscapes such as smell, touch, sound ('sound-scape'), and taste landscapes. The visual landscape is experienced by most people, while the remaining four non-visual landscapes mainly construct the non-visual world of the blind. In their innovative study, Angeliki Koskina and Nikolas Hasanagas explore this non-visual world on an empirical basis. What landscapes do blind people prefer? Is the natural or built environment most attractive for them? How differently do blind people perceive the 'landscape' compared to sighted people? Which feelings does the landscape evoke in blind people, and which values do they attach to these feelings? How satisfied do they feel with the urban or natural landscapes where they live? Spatial Planning and Land-scape Design for handicapped people constitute a much-discussed academic and social issue. Koskina's and Hasanagas' study in the Anthropology of Senses and in Landscape Sociology can be used as an aid tool for planners and designers as well as researchers in various areas such as Architecture, Medicine, Social Sciences, or Psychology.

Education and training in developmental disabilities.
Year: 2003 Publisher: Arlington, VA : Council for Exceptional Children, Division on Developmental Disabilities,

Education and training in mental retardation and developmental disabilities.
Year: 1994 Publisher: Reston, VA : Council for Exceptional Children, Division on Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities,

Education and training in autism and developmental disabilities.
Year: 2010 Publisher: Arlington, Va. : Council for Exceptional Children, Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities

International resource book for libraries serving disadvantaged persons
Authors: --- --- ---
ISSN: 03446891 ISBN: 3598218265 311184935X 3110933330 9783110933338 9783598218262 Year: 2001 Volume: 96 Publisher: München

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Documentation and information --- Libraries and people with disabilities --- Libraries and the aged --- Libraries and the new literates --- Hospitals libraries --- Prison libraries --- Bibliothèques et handicapés --- Bibliothèques et personnes âgées --- Bibliothèques et nouveaux alphabétisés --- Bibliothèques d'hôpital --- Bibliothèques de prisons --- Bibliography --- Bibliographie --- Libraries and people with social disabilities --- Libraries and older people --- Libraries and the hearing impaired --- Bibliotheques et handicapes --- Bibliotheques et handicapes sociaux --- Bibliotheques et personnes agees --- Bibliotheques et handicapes auditifs --- 027.6 --- Bibliotheken voor bepaalde groepen van gebruikers --- 027.6 Bibliotheken voor bepaalde groepen van gebruikers --- Bibliothèques et handicapés --- Bibliothèques et personnes âgées --- Bibliothèques et nouveaux alphabétisés --- Bibliothèques d'hôpital --- Bibliothèques de prisons --- Bibliography. --- Libraries and the physically handicapped --- Libraries and socially handicapped --- Libraries and hearing impaired --- Directories --- Hearing impaired and libraries --- Libraries --- Library services to hearing impaired people --- Library services to the hearing impaired --- Public libraries --- Hearing impaired --- Library services to older people --- Older people and libraries --- Older people --- Libraries and the socially handicapped --- Library services to people with social disabilities --- People with social disabilities and libraries --- People with social disabilities --- Libraries and the handicapped --- Library services to people with disabilities --- People with disabilities and libraries --- People with disabilities --- Services to hearing impaired people --- Services to the hearing impaired --- Services to older people --- Services to shut-ins --- Services to the aged --- Services to people with social disabilities --- Services to people with disabilities --- Libraries and people with disabilities - Bibliography. --- Libraries and people with social disabilities - Bibliography. --- Libraries and older people - Bibliography. --- Libraries and the hearing impaired - Bibliography. --- Bibliotheques et handicapes - Bibliographie. --- Bibliotheques et handicapes sociaux - Bibliographie. --- Bibliotheques et personnes agees - Bibliographie. --- Bibliotheques et handicapes auditifs - Bibliographie.

Internationale classificatie van het menselijk functioneren ICF
ISBN: 903133913X Year: 2002 Publisher: Houten/Diegem Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum

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Met deze uitgave presenteert de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie (World Health Organization, WHO) de Internationale Classificatie van het menselijk Functioneren, de ICF (International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, afgekort ICF). De ICF (voorheen de ICIDH) bestaat uit een raamwerk van classificaties die tezamen een gestandaardiseerd begrippenapparaat vormen voor het beschrijven van het menselijk functioneren en de problemen die daarin kunnen optreden. Doel van de ICF is om door middel van het in kaart brengen van begrippen op dat terrein een basis te leggen voor een gemeenschappelijke standaardtaal. Aspecten van het menselijk functioneren die gerelateerd kunnen zijn aan een gezondheidsprobleem, worden in de ICF op systematische wijze geordend. In aanvulling op de Internationale Classificatie van Ziekten (ICD) worden in de ICF naast gezondheidscomponenten ook een aantal met de gezondheid samenhangende componenten, zoals bijvoorbeeld op het gebied van het werk en onderwijs Gedefinieerd. Met behulp van de ICF kan het menselijk functioneren worden beschreven vanuit drie verschillende perspectieven: 1. het perspectief van het menselijk organisme; 2. het perspectief van het menselijk handelen, en 3. het perspectief van de mens als deelnemer aan het maatschappelijk leven. Het eerste perspectief is uitgewerkt in twee afzonderlijke classificaties, de classificatie van functies van het organisme en de classificatie van anatomische eigenschappen. Het tweede en derde perspectief zijn uitgewerkt in de classificatie van activiteiten en participatie. De ICF ordent op systematische wijze verschillende domeinen betreffende aspecten van het menselijk functioneren die verband kunnen houden met een gezondheidsprobleem. De term 'menselijk functioneren' in de titel verwijst naar functies, anatomische eigenschappen, activiteiten en participatie; de term 'functioneringsprobleem' verwijst naar stoornissen, beperkingen en participatieproblemen. Daarnaast bevat de ICF een lijst met externe Factoren die van invloed kunnen zijn op elk domein. Op deze manier kan een zinvol beeld worden verkregen van iemands functioneren.

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